Hi I'm Mark


I'm a father of 2, husband of 1, coach of many, a designer, artist, and fun loving tinkerer who has spent time designing toys and games, decorating houses, building furniture, inventing products, creating entertainment, leading creative teams, and launching global brands.

So why "Free-Range Artisan"?   

Well, it's a good description of who I am and what I do.  My last name roughly translates into "Free Range Rooster", or hen depending on gender ;).  And my creative interests have always driven me to try, tinker, and make new things for my friends, family, and home.

So the Free Range Artisan was born to share my Free Ranging creations with you, your friends, and your home.  Give us a call or send us a note and lets see what we can make for you.

The other side of my creative life is PlayMark Design, where I consult with clients in the Children's Entertainment business supporting their product, brand, and story design efforts.  You can find more information at PlayMarkDESIGN.com.

I've always strived to find the fun in everything I do...I hope you see it too.





Interested in having us make something for you? Here's our contact info.


The free Range ARtisan


(401) 744 6145

165 Hinckley Road
Milton, Ma 02186